Kiahbree Hawkins, professionally known as SGY, is a talented artist hailing from San Diego, California. Born under the intuitive zodiac sign of Pisces, SGY's passion for music and creative expression has been ingrained in his DNA from an early age.
His stage name SGY is an acronym derived from his former, SieteGang Yabbie, which originated from a cherished childhood nickname given by his mother which serves as a constant reminder of his roots and the love and support that fueled his artistic journey.
Working in collaboration with key producers such as 88ThaGang, KM, Lozr, and Playboy, SGY has been able to shape and refine his musical aesthetics. These collaborations have played a critical role in solidifying his sound, marking them as an artist with an unmistakable artistic vision.
Drawing inspiration from the artists he admired during his formative years, including MAC DRE, Mitchy Slick, Mistah FAB, and Aaliyah, SGY has developed a musical style that pays homage to their influences while remaining distinctly his own.
SGY's musical journey showcases his artistic evolution, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit.
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